Refurbished or New?

How do you know what you need and if it is the right choice for your business when approaching the choice of a New Printer or a Refurbished printer with Beagle Hardware?
 We are here because we want to help you get the right printer in your business and make it last. That means we want you to have the best choice for your budget and printer needs. Refurbished machines can get a pretty bad reputation for being unreliable or having a drastically shorter lifespan than a new product, but POS printers have a much wider spectrum than this basic approach. Our refurbished units come in after an initial evaluation to determine the grade of the printer, if it is an ‘A’ or ‘B’ quality and then they are repaired, replacing any internal components that help restore optimal performance, cleaned, greased, and calibrated. The correct model and connection on a refurbished unit can last for years in a business depending on the work conditions and general care for the device.

The reality is that refurbished machines can have the same unanticipated glitches that brand new factory issued machines can. A new machine can work perfectly for thousands of other buyers, but also may have a defect that makes it unusable right out of the box 1 of those thousands. Beagle Hardware has a similar policy to our partner Epson America. If that machine does not work properly within the warranty time frame we will repair it, replace it, or refund it! This is why it is also of the utmost importance to take your machines out of the box and test them right away, especially if the warranty is shorter with a refurbished unit. The other option to guarantee having a working machine is to add on the 1-year warranty with Beagle for a full year on our refurbished purchase. At a one time cost of $19.95, it gives you the comfort to know that if your machine has an issue or an accident, we can still provide you with the services to get that machine up and running or replace it with a different unit entirely.

Some things to think about when making this decision. Assess your needs and your budget.

Is your business:                        Think about:
Starting from scratch:               New for warranty, Refurbished for budget

Replacing an existing printer:  New for high volume with a less than careful usage and turn the old unit into a backup after we re-vamp it with our Flat Repair Service or buy an identical Refurbished unit for easy plug’n’play install with all the same features and less wear and tear than your current unit

More on Warranties: New 1-4 years standard, depending on Manufacturers warranty, Refurbished 90 days with Beagle Hardware, option to buy an additional 1-year warranty!

Customer Service Support, the real kind, provided with every Purchase!!
So email or call us with any questions when you are deciding on the right hardware for your business. We are here to help.