In the past 12 months, we have seen data breaches from large companies such as Target, Home Depot and Staples. Big banks and health care systems have also been victims of cyber attacks. With technology always advancing, these attacks will continue to happen. Below are some tips to help prevent and minimize the chances of a data breach for you and your company.
1. Frequently change pins and passwords to personal accounts.
By doing so, you can help keep track of which websites have your information saved on them and how long that information has been saved.
2. Constantly monitor all financial accounts for suspicious activity.
Although we now live in the digital age and primarily use online banking, your chances decrease significantly if you also keep a written copy, such as a checkbook ledger, after making major transactions.
3. Properly dispose of sensitive data.
Make sure to shred any documents that are no longer needed that include important information such as social security or credit card numbers. Also make sure that those numbers aren’t saved on computers when you dispose of those as well.
4. Control physical access to business computers.
Give each employee their own login and username to prevent unauthorized use. Keep computers locked up during non-business hours.
5. Freeze credit cards in the case of suspicious activity.
This will make sure to protect your money while you figure out the situation.
6. Do not overshare on social media.
Whether it be for a company or personal, too much information can help making theft easier for the hacker. Wait to post comments or stories about a vacation until you are back home.
7. Keep software up to date.
Update software as soon as it is available for security and web browsers as they can detect security vulnerabilities.
Have you already been part of a security breach? What should you do now? First, do not panic. Get a copy of your credit report and double check for any unauthorized transactions. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, put a freeze to your account immediately. Then call issuer to dispute charges and obtain a new card. Finally, make sure to change all passwords and pins to prevent future situations.