How do you know what you need and if it is the right choice for your business when approaching the choice of a New Printer or a Refurbished printer with Beagle Hardware? We are here because we want to help you get the right printer in your business and make it last. That means we want you to have the best choice for your budget and printer needs. Refurbished machines can get a pretty bad reputation for being unreliable or having a drastically shorter lifespan than a new product, but POS printers have a much wider spectrum than this basic approach. Our refurbished units come in after an initial evaluation to determine the grade of the printer, if it is an ‘A’ or ‘B’ quality and then they are repaired, replacing any internal components that help restore optimal performance, cleaned, greased, and calibrated. The correct model and connection on a refurbished unit can last for years in a business depending on the work conditions and general care for the device. The reality is that refurbished machines can have the same unanticipated glitches that brand new factory issued machines can. A new machine can work perfectly for thousands of other buyers, but also may have a defect that makes it unusable right out of the box 1 of those thousands. Beagle Hardware has a similar policy to our partner Epson America. If that machine does not work properly within the warranty time frame we will repair it, replace it, or refund it! This is why it is also of the utmost importance to take your machines out of the box and test them right away, especially if the warranty is shorter with a refurbished unit. The other option to guarantee having a working machine is to add on the 1-year warranty with Beagle for a full year on our refurbished purchase. At a one time cost of $19.95, it gives you the comfort to know that if your machine has an issue or an accident, we can still provide you with the services to get that machine up and running or replace it with a different unit entirely. Some things to think about when making this decision. Assess your needs and your budget. Is your business: Think about: Starting from scratch: New for warranty, Refurbished for budget Replacing an existing printer: New for high volume with a less than careful usage and turn the old unit into a backup after we re-vamp it with our Flat Repair Service or buy an identical Refurbished unit for easy plug’n’play install with all the same features and less wear and tear than your current unit More on Warranties: New 1-4 years standard, depending on Manufacturers warranty, Refurbished 90 days with Beagle Hardware, option to buy an additional 1-year warranty! Customer Service Support, the real kind, provided with every Purchase!! So email or call us with any questions when you are deciding on the right hardware for your business. We are here to help. |
“I’m not an engineer, Cap’t’n, I’m just a Restaurant* manager!?”

*Restaurant, Retail, Office, Salon, Online Warehouse, You get the idea, right?
An brief and easy to follow Buyer’s Introduction to and current Epson Thermal POS Printer Options for Everyday Business Needs: Part 1
Step 1: What are you trying to do?
The first place to start when searching and shopping begins, is to assess what your current POS printer needs are and, if relevant, what the current model is that you are using for your business needs. If you do not have a current printer model to comparison shop with or are not sure what device is best suited to your needs, your first step will be to contact your Operating System(OS) provider tech support (i.e. Toast, Oracle/Micros, Opera, Upserve, etc.) or look up on their website which devices are currently compatible with the most recent version of the software you have installed on your computer. There are thousands of software options for businesses and though your hardware needs may seem simple or obvious, you can save time, shipping, and frustration by checking in with your provider before you begin researching and shopping. Work smarter, not harder.
Epson is one of the leading manufacturer’s of thermal printers in the US at this time and the technology can be as simple to incorporate as downloading the Epson Driver to your computer, adding the device to your system, plug it in and turning it on. Some many have more steps for syncing when there are Wireless, Bluetooth, and Ethernet interfaces. And the ‘how to’ for many of these processes can be found on our Beagle Hardware support page.
Step 2: What do you know?
Identify which printer you need that is currently compatible with your operating system software. Upon doing this, you now have a starting point. Many folks call in and start verbaling any and all of the numbers they can read on their existing printers assuming we will magically know exactly everything from that jumble.
Reading your printer tag can tell us what the model/brand is and the serial number of your device which is helpful when you are calling in to the manufacturer or working with warranty related services. What it does not tell us on the other end of the phone is what type of connection you use to connect your printer to your terminals. This is how your device talks to other devices and is key to buying the correct printer on the first try. The interface card is an interchangeable part on many printers and can be as cheap as $19.99 and with current technology as expensive as $189.95 for wireless connections. Using our support page previously listed you can turn your printer around and compare the images of different interface types and see which one matches your existing connection.
Now that you have found the image of your interface card, you have the basics needed to find an exact replacement. From this point you can directly find and purchase your identical product assuming it is still in production and be done with your task. But what if your machine is no longer being produced? And what if you don’t know what the next logical step is for your business? Is it time to replace with an older but reliably refurbished identical machine or upgrade your device to the most recent compatible machine being put out there and avoid repeating this task for another 5-10 years? Tough call and unique to each business and its current needs.
The next installment is going to introduce three of the most current options for Epson thermal printers, all offering unique performance capabilities, that can help narrow down the search for an update to your existing printer needs.
Reconfigure Resourcefulness
James Bandolini wrote, “Resourcefulness is not a means of coping with deprivation; it can be a virtue that opens the door to greater accomplishment.” And with your POS operating hardware, resourcefulness can mean refurbishing the old to last through another few years or a new OS and hardware to embark on a new business model after years of relying on conventional and traditional methods. We all find ourselves seeking to adapt for long term survival and success.
At another point during the recession in 2009, we were introduced to Kanter’s Law,”Everything looks like a failure in the middle.” So as businesses are trying new approaches, adapting their mode of connecting with clientele, developing new problems when solutions were the only preferred outcome, the best advice is still, “Do not give up!”
As Kanter points out, “slipped schedules wouldn’t be fatal flaws without another middles problem: rising negativity and slowing momentum.” So the attitude and patience with the projected goals of your organization will find the necessary guidance in the leaders and shapers of any given group. They will set the tone for staff, management, and reach through the uncertainty to the consumers to re-assure that, ‘though things are bumpy right now, as we adapt and evolve our industries, marketing, and services, we aren’t going anywhere.’ It won’t be business as usual for awhile, but business will be there through it all.
Is a Cashless Society Really a Good Thing?
More and more countries are leaning towards cash-free economies, where the need for paper money would be completely eliminated.
Though some feel that a digital economy would offer a number of benefits, such as increased security and decreased counterfeiting, others feel that a such a world would usher in a new era of Big Brother.
India Leads the Push for a Cashless Economy
India recently made headlines with its aggressive demonetization policies.
Ostensibly to combat counterfeit currency, corruption, and black money, on November 8th, Prime Minister Modi invalidated 86% of the nation’s circulating currency. In an announcement that took many by surprise, he stated that existing 500- and 1000-rupee notes would only be valid for 4 more hours, after which they would have to be exchanged for newly designed banknotes.
In India, 90% of transactions are made in cash, almost half of the population doesn’t have a bank account, and 1 billion Indians are without smartphones. So it’s no surprise that this move caused a significant amount of chaos. Long ATM lines, unpaid wages, and the emergence of a barter economy are just a few issues that have arisen since the transition.
Critics have claimed that the problems India is trying to fix – black money and corruption – are unlikely to be affected, since such criminals often hold money in overseas bank accounts and property holdings.
Despite these downsides, proponents feel that cashless is king. E-money stocks have surged, digital payments have soared, and India’s IT Minister predicts that the country’s digital economy will grow to $1 trillion over the next few years.
Some even predict that POS will become “redundant,” or at least look completely different, since people will “just use their thumb” to pay.
The Worldwide Trend Away from Cash
Other countries, from Zimbabwe to Korea to Sweden, are also leaning towards cash-free economies. Each country has its own reasons. As mentioned in the November newsletter, Zimbabwe’s diminishing cash supply has rendered much of the nation reliant on debit cards.
Other countries also feel that a cashless future is at hand.
Sweden, for instance, is at the forefront of the cashless movement. In part due to the expediency and efficiency offered by digital payments, the country is slowly transitioning to plastic and digital payment options. Many of the country’s banks, for instance, no longer dispense cash.
Korea is also leaving paper currency in the past.
Koreans are carrying less cash and using more credit cards each year, which is a good thing, according to the head of the research center at the Credit Finance Institute. A digital economy, he claims, will cut costs as well as crime and corruption. The Bank of Korea is planning for a country without cash by 2020.
Is America Next?
A 2014 survey by found that 1 in 10 Americans carried no cash in their wallets. Younger generations, also, are even using digital payment services, like Venmo or Paypal, to exchange cash and reimburse one another for expenses.
Despite the fact that America leads the world in most areas of technology, including POS and payment processing, many still cling to paper money.
Former Treasury chief of staff Mark Patterson stated that many Americans still dislike paying with devices. And, he adds, many Americans remain “unbanked, making electronic payments impossible. As long as there are babysitters, bellhops, doormen, street vendors, and Christmas stockings, there will be cash.”
Pros and Cons of a Cash-Free World
In a world without paper currency, there would be no reason to hold up a retail store. And there would be fewer reasons to mug someone or snatch a bag on the street. Though digital currency may be vulnerable to cybercrime, the threat of physical violence would be significantly reduced.
Although paper money has its drawbacks, it also allows offers a certain degree of financial freedom to the individual, who can store physical cash in safe places.
Some worry that a digital-only world would hand over far too much power to the government. If the government or a bank decided to freeze a person or a business’s bank accounts, for instance, then they would be completely financially paralyzed.
And, as mentioned, cash lets waiters, bellboys, and babysitters to accept tips for their services.
Though a cash-free society may not happen within the next few decades, if an emerging economy like India can make the push for a cashless economy, then don’t be surprised if the rest of the world eventually makes the shift.
Versatility – The Key Trait of Tomorrow’s Successful POS System
As technology becomes more advanced, customers continue to demand more from their shopping experiences, both online and offline.
To meet the needs of both retailers and shoppers, POS systems are becoming more and more versatile in the services they offer.
When debit and credit card readers were first introduced, they began to transform the way we make purchases. Current POS systems encompass a wide range of business functions, such as cashless transactions to data collection.
Today, keeping the customer happy in a competitive marketplace means offering a superior “customer experience.”
In other words, it is the retailer’s job to make the entire shopping journey, from product selection to checkout, as pleasant and user-friendly as possible.
How Versatile POS Systems Help the Retailer and the Customer
Business owners are certainly aware that a POS system can automate or semi-automate many business tasks, from inventory to order entry to data collection.
However, as technology and new payment methods continue to advance, versatile POS systems will become even more necessary.
Here are just a few of the diverse features that retailers should pay attention to when looking at the evolving POS market:
Cashless and Digital Wallet Capabilities
Though digital wallets – the ability to pay directly from your smartphone – have their fair share of skeptics, the number of digital payment options continues to grow. And the number of customers using these digital wallets also continues to grow.
Android Pay, Google Wallet, and Apple Pay are among the biggest names. But many other companies are jumping onto the bandwagon, including Chase Bank, Amazon, Alibaba, Samsung, and others.
Delays in adoption are due to security concerns, as well as slow adoption rates by both customers and retailers.
However, the sheer number of digital wallets being implemented suggests that this may become more than just a fad.
EMV Compliance
Another major trend we see in the payment processing world is the transition to EMV credit card readers.
On October 1st, 2016, banks shifted liability for fraud cases over to businesses, in cases where those businesses had not adopted chip-enabled card readers.
Though some argue that this is no reason to panic – after all, no one will be arrested if they aren’t EMV compliant – it’s clear that banks and industry leaders are aggressively pushing for EMV adoption.
And, as they do, more and more customers are being issued these cards, and security concerns may drive some people to shop where EMV cards are accepted.
Mobile POS Integrations
The biggest benefit to mPOS solutions is their portability.
They can be used on the floor, in the field, or wherever your staff happen to be. These systems often include a host of other functions, from cloud updates to design flexibility to data collection.
POS vendors are also continuing to introduce new integrations, such as mPOS devices that are able to accept both EMV cards and digital wallets.
Though mPOS devices are still in the minority, they are currently the most versatile devices, and may prove to be the standard at some point in the future.
Tomorrow’s POS Integrations
Although the POS and payment processing industries have encountered obstacles during their growth, expect technology to offer more integrations in the coming years.
Expect to see POS systems that offer even more advanced technologies and functions, such as:
- Age Verification
- QR / Bar Code Scanning
- Acceptance for All Major Digital Wallets
- Contactless Cards
Ultimately, the POS systems of tomorrow will be much more versatile than today’s most current models, making life easier for both retailers and customers.
The Bottom Line
If you want to keep up with the demands of your busy customers – and stay competitive – it pays to keep an eye on the busy world of payment processing.
The checkout line has a significant impact on customers’ wait times, their retail experience, and their perception of a brand or company.
Though all new technologies have an adoption curve, the history of credit cards shows how new technologies can eventually become the norm. In a few years’ time, all retailers may be using versatile POS systems that do much more than read magnetic stripes.
Protecting Your Business (And Your Customers) from a POS Security Breach
Day after day, POS software companies are developing an increasing number of options to better protect and serve customers.
Though hackers are always innovating, there are steps you can take to protect your data and your customers.
By utilizing the tips mentioned in this article, you can work against these hackers and better serve your clientele.
1. Utilize End-to-End Encryption
Encryption is one of the most powerful security tools you can have at your disposal. Recently, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Security teamed up with Ingenico to create a product that will protect customer data from the most common cyber attacks.
So how does end-to-end encryption help keep your customers’ data safe?
Most malware is designed to steal information the moment a customer swipes their card. By retrieving credit card numbers from a POS machine’s RAM memory, the hacker can gain access to that unencrypted information.
If a company chooses to use end-to-end encryption, however, the credit card information will be protected from malware the moment it is swiped.
In other words, this process “locks” the customer’s payment info from beginning to end.
Since hackers are continuously working to better their own techniques, end-to-end encryption is a method of protection that prevents attacks and eliminates the vast majority of system vulnerabilities.
In an effort to offer even more security, businesses can also employ techniques such as “tokenization,” which work to store card information under digital alternatives within the company’s system.
2. Increase Monitoring
All too often, the only security put into place within a business’ system is an easily guessable password. Hackers have developed an array of tools to crack passwords, which can then be used to gain access to financial information.
By employing additional security precautions you can help prevent a data breach. Some of the most common methods are the following:
- Anti-Virus Software
- Firewalls
- Two-Way Authentication
While utilizing these suggestions is a start, the most beneficial way of protecting your system is by monitoring all payment activity. As a business owner, it is your responsibility to look for suspicious activity or vulnerabilities at every computer and POS machine in your establishment.
Companies like Netsurion have begun offering security solutions such as these to small- and medium-sized businesses.
3. Test Your Procedures
Once you’ve decided to employ end-to-end encryption – or put into place security measures and monitoring techniques to work against cyber attacks – you need to make sure that they’re working efficiently.
Testing will help you find inconsistencies or missteps that could lead to a data breach.
If you have the budget, consider hiring a security specialist to test your POS system’s security measures. Since a POS product may be installed by a third-party provider who may not specialize in security, this simple step can help you and your customers stay safe.
EMV is Turning One…But What Do People Really Think of It?
More than a decade ago, EMV chip cards made their way onto the payment circuit. Despite their promises of enhanced security and protection, however, they didn’t garner much attention.
Until 2013, that is.
2013 was a year that saw a rash of security breaches amidst high-profile stores, such as Target. With consumers facing greater technological risks than ever before, the retail market and payment networks began to reevaluate the benefits of chip card acceptance.
As of October 1, 2015, a new law mandated that all retailers accept chip cards, or else face potential liability for fraud.
Rather quickly, we saw banks reissuing new chip cards to customers, and stores and restaurants across the United States installing vamped up POS systems that are capable of accepting the EMV cards.
So now that we’ve hit the one year anniversary…what do people really think?
The Difference a Year Can Make
In a recent report, prepared by Visa, we received some pretty incredible information. Here’s just a few of the present day statistics concerning chip card usage.
- There are currently more than 363 million Visa chip cards in use.
- Almost 1.5 million retailers and merchants now accept chip cards.
- Payment counterfeit fraud is down 47%.
While these stats seem quite impressive, it should be noted that we are still far from having an entirely chip-based payment protocol. The same Visa report cites that the 1.5 million vendors previously mentioned only represents about 37% of their business accounts.
Businesses that have made the necessary changes to their existing POS software have also encountered endless issues along the way.
Some of the common concerns are:
- In-store distribution challenges
- Difficulty obtaining necessary hardware and software
- Issues over programming delays
Do Customers Approve?
Moving beyond the problems that have arisen from the retailer’s standpoint, consumers themselves aren’t entirely happy with the new, standard payment processes.
While it may seem insignificant, the time it takes for customers to run their cards has become an annoyance. Men and women are used to a quick slide of their card that takes about two seconds. With chip-card technology, they are now required to leave their cards in the reader for ten seconds or more.
This slowdown is enough to cause a sense of aggravation amongst consumers and has card companies considering a new Quick Chip technology.
While this new technology could remedy the amount of time it takes at the checkout counter, merchants seem to be understandably gun-shy about undergoing another software transition.
Where Do We Go From Here?
We’ve come so far in just over a year, but the future of chip-card technology seems a little uncertain. While the US is consistently moving forward with the transition to exclusive EMV card acceptance, there’s still a large number of bugs that need to be worked out.
The question becomes…what will things look like at the end of year two?
Are New Payment Technologies Good for Retailers?
Over the years, payment processing technologies have undergone significant changes.
Today, the internet and mobile devices are causing bigger shifts than ever before. While many resist these changes, others embrace them.
Every business will be affected by new POS technologies and payment solutions, so it’s important to know which direction the industry is headed.
A Brief History of the POS Industry: From Credit Cards to Today
Beginning in the 1950s, credit cards and point-of-sale technology revolutionized the retail industry.
Since that time, we’ve seen a few major evolutions in the industry:
Credit and debit cards boosted sales for retailers.
Credit cards really took off in the 1950s and 1960s, with the establishment of a revolving credit system and the introduction of a debit card. Point-of-sale devices arrived soon after and allowed merchants and retailers to accept payments via these cards.
With these new technologies in the marketplace, the use of cash and check decreased, credit and debit payments increased, and the number of transactions also increased. Over the intervening decades, credit and debit POS systems have become standard for most retailers in the developed world.
Retailers who adopted POS technologies often saw more sales as a result.
Smartphones are poised to revolutionize the payment ecosystem even more.
Mobile wallets give customers the ability to pay directly from their smartphone, without the need for cards, cash, or checks. This new technology offers a number of benefits to customers and businesses.
Not only are mobile wallets more convenient, some argue that they are actually more secure than credit cards. POS terminals that utilize near field communications (NFC) will allow merchants to accept payments via mobile wallets, but there are several obstacles to widespread adoption, such as upgrade costs and security concerns.
Increased rates of fraud are pushing more stringent security measures in the POS industry.
Fraud continues to be a worldwide problem. Between 2007 and 2014, credit card fraud doubled – and 37% of this fraud came in the form of counterfeit cards. EMV cards and chip-enabled POS devices are designed to fight this problem.
Another solution is the aforementioned mobile wallet. Traditional credit cards use a person’s signature as a security measure – but how often do retail staff compare card signatures against receipts? A mobile wallet that requires a fingerprint, on the other hand, is much more difficult to counterfeit.
Conclusion: Complexity Slows Adoption Rates, But Change Is Inevitable
The payment processing chain has become quite complicated and involves merchants, banks, credit card companies, software providers, and more.
Concerns over fraud, upgrade costs, profit margins, and adoption rates are preventing immediate acceptance of these new technologies.
However, as POS security systems continue improve – and the potential profits of these new technologies becomes clearer – we can expect to see another revolution in the way merchants and customers perform transactions.
Top 3 Benefits of Choosing a Cloud-Based POS System
Running a company is complex business – owners need to be concerned with a variety of day-to-day functions, such as accounting, inventory management, and marketing…just for starters.
What if you could streamline and automate a huge chunk of your operations through one unified system?
Cloud-based POS systems give you that chance…
Here are 3 of the many benefits that come with choosing cloud-based POS systems:
1. Speed & Efficiency
Most stores and establishments are sure to attract a variety of customers and clientele.
Despite these customers’ individual differences, however, there’s one thing they can all agree on…a dislike for long lines at check-out.
Making the switch to a cloud-based POS system allows your employees to work at greater speeds than ever before. They will also have more available product information which helps them better assist customers.
With increased speed, you might expect a greater number of mistakes, but that’s not the case.
Unlike traditional cash registers, cloud-based POS systems handle the bulk of the work so that employees don’t have to spend as much time worried about inventory discrepancies and sales issues.
2. Extensive Data and Reporting Capability
We’ve entered a digital age where files and paperwork are a thing of the past. POS systems have all of the capabilities needed to organize your business and automate previously time-consuming tasks.
Whether you’re interested in learning more about…
- Sales Trends
- Inventory
- Or Customer Information
…cloud-based POS systems offer in-depth reports that give you greater insight into the inner workings of your business. This type of information can give you a competitive edge, reduce waste, reduce errors, and increase efficiency.
Cloud-based systems even allow you to pull up this information on your mobile device. So no matter where you are, you have direct access to all of this data.
3. Freed-Up Resources
With these advanced POS systems automating much of the work that consumed your time before, you and your staff are free to handle other business tasks.
By employing a payment processor you can trust to handle these line items with accuracy, you will have the time and confidence needed to focus on other areas of your business.
Technology is giving every business the opportunity to automate, evolve, and scale. These systems will give you the opportunity to do just that.
Why Businesses Are Slow to Jump on the Mobile Wallet Bandwagon
It’s been over five years since Google released their first version of a mobile wallet, and since then many other companies have followed suit.
Here are a few of the bigger companies jumping on board the mobile wallet bandwagon:
- Apple
- Samsung
- Walmart
- Chase Bank
Mobile wallets provide consumers with the ease of using a smartphone as their main source of payment – eliminating the need for traditional wallets, plastic debit/credit cards, and cash. The idea makes perfect sense, yet the majority of shoppers have not jumped onto the bandwagon.
Of all the technological developments that are taking place, what seems to be wrong with this one?
David Salisbury of Star Cloud Services has a few ideas:
1. Retailer Acceptance
If the hope is for consumers to use their mobile device as a universal payment platform, then retailers and businesses would need to participate.
However, many business owners have not made the switch to POS systems that accept mobile wallets. Or, if they have, they may only accept certain versions.
For a business to convert its existing POS system, it would have to apply updates that can get quite expensive. Many small business owners simply don’t have the funds necessary to adapt to this necessity.
2. Inability to Store Picture ID & Other Vital Card Information
When it comes to shopping, consumers have more to worry about than cash or credit.
An individual’s wallet may hold dozens of different card types at any given time, including:
- Driver’s License, or Picture ID
- Individual Store Credit Cards
- Shopping Reward Program Cards
Until a mobile wallet is able to store all necessary information for any card type, it seems unlikely that shoppers will be getting rid of their billfolds.
3. Itemized Digital Receipts
Digital receipts that are received through mobile wallets don’t currently offer itemization.
This is problematic for both shoppers and retailers. The amount of time it will take to handle returns, exchanges, or other post-purchase questions would be much greater using digital wallet receipts.
In essence, they serve more as payment verification than anything else.
Conclusion: These Problems are Fixable
It seems quite likely that we’ll eventually see a major rise in mobile wallet usage, once these obstacles are overcome.
If developers consider the previous issues, consumers will be much more willing to use their products, and the entire process can be successfully streamlined.